Our $50 Trial Passes are available to use in week 1 of each term ONLY! Trial unlimited classes for your level at both studios!

They are available for everyone including students that are already enrolled. If you decide to enroll or add on an additional course after using the trial pass you will get the $50 discounted off your class fees.

Beginners must only trial suitable classes for their level or they will be turned away from the class. Please see the trial pass timetable for reference.
Trial Pass timetable is confirmed the weekend before week 1, we cannot give the information out any sooner as it is determined by how many free spots are left in each class. The timetables are subject to change as spots fill, so please keep referencing the updated timetables below.

Use the link below to purchase your trial pass for the upcoming term. To use your pass just pick a class from the trial pass timetable and show up (no need to book), tell the teacher your name and they will mark you off the roll.

If you have any questions please get in touch with us.

Please note. If you purchase the trial pass and do not enroll you do not get the $50 refunded. If you are already enrolled and do not add on an extra course you do not the get $50 discounted off already booked classes. Please don’t be cheeky and ask for either of these things. This is a massively discounted offer there is no need to try and get even more.